ProWeld® CD 装置
ProWeld® の CD スタッド溶接装置ラインは、最先端のソリッドステート コンデンサ放電スタッド/ピン溶接機で、さまざまな直径や材料のスタッドを溶接する能力を持ちながら、携帯性を高める軽量設計を特長としています。

The CD-212 is a state-of-the-art solid-state capacitor discharge stud/pin welder. Its lightweight design increases portability but with the power to weld 1/4" diameter flanged studs. The extremely short weld time of the capacitor discharge process allows studs to be welded to material as thin as .015 without burn-through. The unit is capable of welding mild steel, stainless steel, and aluminum studs, ranging from 14ga through 1/4" diameter.

The CD-212P is a state-of-the-art solid-state capacitor discharge pin welder. Its lightweight design increases portability but with the power to weld 1/4" diameter pins. The extremely short weld time of the capacitor discharge process allows studs to be welded to material as thin as .015 without burn-through. The unit is capable of welding mild steel, stainless steel, and aluminum studs, ranging from 14ga through 1/4" diameter.

The CD-312 is a state-of-the-art solid-state capacitor discharge stud/pin welder. Its rugged design and user-friendly controls make it simple to set up and use.The CD-312 is capable of welding 24 studs/min, ideal for high-production weld rate applications. The extremely short weld time of the capacitor discharge process allows studs to be welded to material as thin as .015 without burn through. The unit is capable of welding mild steel, stainless steel, and aluminum studs, ranging from #2 through 5/16" diameter.

The CD-512 is a state-of-the-art solid-state capacitor discharge stud/pin welder. Its rugged design and user friendly controls make it simple to set up and use. The extremely short weld time of the capacitor discharge process allows studs to be welded to material as thin as .015 without burn-through. The unit is capable of welding mild steel, stainless steel, and aluminum studs, ranging from #2 through 3/8" diameter.
Note: Not available in Europe